Heartland Daily News

Supreme Court to Hear First of Many Election-Related Lawsuits After 2020 Election

The New York Supreme Court in New York City, USA at twilight.
By Eric Lendrum

In the aftermath of the 2020 election, numerous bills introduced in state legislatures across the country are most likely heading for the same place: The Supreme Court, where they will be scrutinized under the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The first of many such cases will begin on Tuesday, according to ABC News.

After widespread voter fraud in multiple key swing states that some say may have been enough to change the outcome of the election in favor of Joe Biden and other Democrats, over 250 bills have been introduced across 43 states, aimed at such measures as reducing voter fraud, restricting vote-by-mail, and requiring some form of photographic ID in order to vote. The Brennan Center for Justice, a far-left advocacy group, has falsely claimed that such bills are attempting to suppress non-White voters.

Activists at the Brennan Center and elsewhere are seeking to challenge most of these laws in court using the Voting Rights Act, which prohibits “a denial or abridgment of the right of any citizen of the U.S. to vote on account of race or color,” even though none of the proposed laws mention race in any way.

“The court needs to send a strong statement that the Voting Rights Act will be there for the American public,” said a spokeswoman for the Brennan Center, “especially at a time when we see politicians trying to put barriers in front of the ballot box.” The spokeswoman provided no evidence to back up this statement.

The concerns over election fraud arise from the fact that, supposedly, nearly 67 percent of the voting-age population cast a vote in 2020, which would by far be the highest turnout in over 100 years, but was due in large part to vote-by-mail being made more widely accessible due to the coronavirus pandemic. Vote-by-mail, which makes it much easier for people to vote who otherwise would most likely not cast a ballot, is also ripe for fraud and suppression.

On Tuesday, such a case will be heard by the Supreme Court. It involves two election laws in the state of Arizona that requires election officials to discard ballots that have been cast in the wrong precinct, and which bans the practice of third-party groups or individuals collecting ballots, popularly known as “ballot-harvesting.” Democrat activists have claimed, with no evidence, that these laws discriminate against Native Americans, Latinos, and African-Americans, while Republicans point out that the wording of the laws never mention race and maintain a neutral approach. The far-left Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the Democrats, with the Republicans appealing the case to the Supreme Court for the final decision on whether or not the state laws violate the Voting Rights Act.


Originally published by American Greatness. Republished with permission.

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