Hospitals Are Responsible for Rising Health Care Prices—Report

New data shows hospitals are responsible for escalating health care prices, due to the lack of market incentives to curb costs. A growing number of...

Kamala’s Corporate Income Tax Hike Will Raise Your Utility Bills

Vice President Kamala Harris wants to raise the U.S. corporate income tax rate to 35%, up from the current Trump rate of 21%. This will directly raise...

Josh Hammer: Biden’s Bloodless Coup Will Not Work Out Well for Democrats

The Democratic Party ruling class's bloodless coup of their own democratically elected presidential nominee, who also happens to be the nominal sitting president of...
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The Rise of ESG and Its Implications for the U.S. Economy (Commentary)

The movement for creating systemic change in the economic system is growing. Traditionally, investments in entrepreneurial ventures were based on expectations for a favorable...
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Climate Change Weekly #513: 📢 Hey, Ho! Biden/Harris Climate Policies Have to Go 📢

Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss! At least if you care about energy independence and household security.
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Climate Change Weekly #512: Carbon Dioxide Levels and Warming Aren’t a Problem, New Study...

CLINTEL's research directly refutes claims made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report.

Climate Change Weekly #511: Illegal ESG Collusion Behind Decarbonization Efforts

The Heartland Institute was well ahead of the curve in exposing the dangers ESG poses to freedom and economic progress.

Climate Change Weekly #510: International Climate Conference Debunks Science and Policy Consensus Claims

This conference was the first of its kind to take place in Austria, whose populist conservative Members of Parliament wield increasing influence within the EU Parliament.