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Profs Declare Correct Grammar Is Racist, No Such Thing As Standard English

Emory University is providing grants to fund racial justice

Speakers at Towson University’s virtual “Antiracist Pedagogy Symposium” criticized university writing curricula and programs for being racist and perpetuating “Whiteness.”

The event occurred on June 17.

April Baker-Bell, associate professor of language, literacy, and English education at Michigan State University, argued that idea of Standard English among teachers is used to maintain racist assumptions about “Black language.”


Bell stated it is evident that “anti-Blackness that is used to diminish black language of Black students in classrooms is not separate from the rampant and deliberate anti-black racism and violence inflicted upon black people in society.”

“Teacher attitudes include assumptions that Black students are somehow linguistically, morally, and intellectually inferior because they communicate in Black language,” said Bell.

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Indiana University of Pennsylvania English professor Cristina Sánchez-Martín stated that her efforts are designed to contribute to “undoing Whiteness” in university students’ writing.

“The repeated references to ‘correct grammar’ and ‘standard language’ reinforce master narratives of English only as White and monolingualism and a deficit view of multilingualism,” said Sánchez-Martín.

Originally posted at Campus Reform. Republished with permission.

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