Heartland Daily News

VIDEO: 1776 Commission Vice-Chair Sounds the Alarm on Teaching Revisionist History in Schools

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By Ophelie Jacobson

In September of 2020, former President Donald Trump formed the 1776 Commission in an effort to promote patriotic education in American schools. President Trump created this commission as a rebuttal to anti-American education initiatives such as the 1619 Project and Critical Race Theory.

President Joe Biden then disbanded the commission on his first day in office. But that didn’t stop the commission from working.

On May 24, the commission reconvened in Washington D.C. to discuss further plans on how to prevent false history from infiltrating schools, from K-12 to college and beyond.

Campus Reform reporter Ophelie Jacobson interviewed Dr. Carol Swain, vice-chair of the 1776 Commission, about her work with the commission and how Americans can fight back against anti-American curricula.

Dr. Swain is a former professor at Princeton University and Vanderbilt University.

“Knowledge is power. A lot of people have learned the concept of Critical Race Theory, but they don’t fully understand it,” Dr. Swain said. “Education is key. People need to understand what it is and they need to organize. You can run for school board or you can talk, but you need to organize as a group and fight back.”

Watch the full video above to hear more from Dr. Swain.

Originally published by Campus Reform. Republished with permission.

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