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Immigration Surge Enriches ‘Education Mafia’—Rebecca Friedrichs

Illegal immigrants on the move

Immigration surge enriches ‘Education Mafia,’ by requiring more resources to educate migrant children, says Rebecca Friedrichs.

By Eileen Griffin

With the current deluge of asylum seekers streaming into the United States, even locations as far away as New York City are expected to get hit with increased demands on the education system. New York City Mayor Eric Adams told Fox News the city has been inundated with an influx of migrant children expected to attend city schools this fall.

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas recently said he will consider a legal challenge to Plyler v. Doe, the 1982 Supreme Court ruling requiring children be allowed to attend public schools at no cost, regardless of immigration status, The New York Post reports.

With children arriving in Texas from more than 105 countries and speaking a wide range of languages, the special educational assistance schools will have to provide will place a significant burden on teachers and taxpayers, Abbott said.

Heartland Daily News asked the founder of For Kids and Country, former teacher Rebecca Friedrichs, how the massive flow of children arriving in the United States from other countries is affecting the ongoing teacher shortages.

Heartland Daily News: Earlier you explained how the teachers unions, what you call the education mafia, are creating teacher shortages. What about our problems on the border: won’t the big influx of children coming into the school system worsen the teacher shortages?

Friedrichs: This education mafia, they are run by communists. What do they do? They purposely create chaos. So, open the border, bringing in all these people, and we have no idea who they are. We have no idea what illnesses they have. We have no idea if they’re safe or not. We are handing them free everything off the backs of the American taxpayers and putting their children into our educational systems and overloading it. That’s chaos.

Secondly, I don’t know the exact percentage today because it fluctuates, but we can safely say the education mafia gives over 95 percent of the dues money they collect to the Democrat Party and to the far Left. This is not liberal, but a leftist agenda. That’s where all their money flows, to a communist agenda.

This open border is all part of the bigger agenda of this education and government mafia that is seeking to completely destroy the United States of America as we know it. They don’t want us to be a constitutional free republic. These elitists want to be our leaders and the rest of us to be dumbed down and controllable, and that’s what this education mafia is involved in.

Again, it’s intentional. Opening the borders and allowing anybody in not only creates chaos, but you’re not a country if you don’t have a sovereign border. It’s to undermine the country.

Heartland Daily News: How does the open border impact the classroom?

Friedrichs: I taught for a long time. If I was teaching kindergarten, it was no problem if a group of non-English speakers came into my classroom, because we were all learning phonics. We were all at base level, and those kids would be speaking English in no time; reading, writing, no problem. But when I taught fourth grade and I’d get kids who were brand-new to the language, they were lost, and it was really a drain on the system because the system is just not set up right.

Those kids should be starting with phonics if they’re new to the language. I just can’t describe to you how much chaos they’re bringing into our educational system, and our country in general, with these open borders.

Heartland Daily News: You said earlier the education mafia use this approach to add more people to the system, creating a need for more special resource teachers, so they get to add more staff, who pay union dues. Is the increasing need for teachers of English as a second language (ESL) an example of that process?

Friedrichs: Absolutely. We never had an ESL program before. That’s newer in our educational system because when people would come to America they had to come through a certain process. It took a while, and one of the things they had to do was learn English. They might not have spoken English the minute they got here, but that was on them. Now our education system [promises] to take care of all of this, and we need more resources because we have added so many things to the system.

We would never need all these programs that they’re creating. It takes trillions and trillions of dollars for the education system, and we never would have needed all that if they just would have listened to excellent teachers and used tried-and-true methods to reach these kids.

If I was in charge and new immigrants came into my school, I would immediately put those new immigrants into a phonics program. I wouldn’t plop them into a grade level based on their age. We never educated children based on their age until this education mafia took over. We educated children based on what they achieved, and if they achieved more, they went up. If they weren’t achieving, they stayed right where they were.

We didn’t put kids in grades, either. It wasn’t like all the six-year-olds were in first grade. We didn’t do that. We had one-room schoolhouses that had all kinds of grades in the same room.

They have just flipped it on its head from what our education system is supposed to be. They did it intentionally to damage us.

Heartland Daily News: This too goes back to the question about money. The teachers unions continually press for more money for schools. Why should taxpayers keep pouring more money into a system that is not working?

Friedrichs: Yes, the results are abysmal. The more money we give them, the worse the results are.

There used to be very little money in public schools, and we didn’t have all these problems.

We weren’t pouring money into schools until the education mafia came in and money started flowing, and results have plummeted.

It’s child abuse. Kids aren’t learning how to read and write. They are being indoctrinated.

We need to stop giving them money. If we stop giving them money, I am sure we can get the mafia out. We can run them out of public schools and out of the education system. We would be so much better off.

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