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Survey Shows Most Young Americans Believe Jews ‘Should be Treated as Oppressors’ and Israel Should be ‘Given to Hamas’

A new survey reveals that a majority of young American voters believe that Jews “should be treated as oppressors,” and that Israel should “be ended and given to Hamas.”

The survey, conducted Dec. 13 – 14 by Harvard-Harris polling, found that 51% of respondents ages 18 – 24 believe the proper long-term solution to the Israel-Palestinian conflict is for “Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians.”

Only 4% of Americans over the age of 65 responded the same way.

Sixty-seven percent of the same age group believe that “Jews as a class are oppressors and should be treated as oppressors.”

Sixty percent of the same age group believe that the Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack and massacre of Israeli civilians was “justified by the grievance of Palestinians,” while 76% acknowledge that the attack in question included “rapes and crimes against women.”

Thirty-one percent of the same age group believe that Israel does not have a right to exist.

Forty-two percent of the same age group believe that Hamas should “be allowed to continue to run Gaza.”

Only 36% of that age group believe that Hamas is a “terror group that rules the people of Gaza with force and fear and is not supported by them.” Sixty-four percent categorize Hamas as “supported by the majority of Palestinians in Gaza.”

Notably, although 80% of young Americans say they believe Israel has a “right to defend itself against terror attacks by launching air strikes on targets in heavily populated Palestinian areas with warnings to those citizens,” 57% say that Israel should “cease all hostilities now.” Forty-three percent say Israel should “keep going until Hamas is defeated.”

Originally published by Campus Reform. Republished with permission. 

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