After two years of study and debate, 81 policy leaders released an updated plan to put doctors and patients back in the driver’s seat in managing care.
The Health Policy Consensus Group released “Personalized Care That Puts You and Your Doctor in Charge” on September 22 with dozens of new recommendations and a new imperative.
“The nation faces a clear choice between two paths for America’s health care future,” states an open letter accompanying the report. “One path is largely controlled by the government, where you get few choices and no options to escape. The other is controlled by you and doctors, leading to more choices, lower costs, and improved quality and access.”
The letter is signed by 68 policy leaders, including James Taylor of The Heartland Institute and John Goodman of The Goodman Institute for Public Policy, co-publishers of Health Care News.
“It is vital that policymakers see the growing consensus among those who believe in markets and competition in a plan that offers bottom-up reform, not another top-down, Washington-knows-best failed approach,” stated Grace-Marie Turner, a signatory, and president of the Galen Institute.
The proposed reforms include:
- Portable insurance in the event of job change or loss
- More transparent pricing for drugs and treatment
- Truth in advertising to prevent surprise bills
- Rewarding consumers for seeking out lower prices and higher-quality care
- Giving states more control of their insurance markets
- Specialized plans for chronic conditions
- Laws that protect association and short-term health insurance plans
- Allowing more people to use health savings accounts
- Making telehealth permanent
- Allowing more competition in health care markets
—Staff reports
Internet Info:
The Health Policy Consensus Group, “Personalized Care That Puts You and Your Doctor in Charge,” September 22, 2020: