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How Top-down Federal Energy Regulations Kill American Towns



By Americans for Prosperity
The figure of a tumbleweed blowing through a dusty ghost town is as much a part of Americana as apple pie on the Fourth of July.  
It is tempting to think this image is well within our past. But it isn’t.  

Top-down federal energy regulations have hallowed out dozens of American communities.  

Waynesburg, Penn. is one of them. In a new video, “The Towns Washington Forgot,” AFP tells Waynesburg’s story and others like it — and offers a path toward revival. 

Boom town to bust 

Waynesburg once was a place of opportunity. Family-sustaining energy jobs were plentiful as new infrastructure projects came online. Those investments slowed once Washington policymakers began piling more rules onto project development. 

In 2015, Emerald Mine shuttered its 38-year-old business, citing a slowing market and a challenging regulatory environment. Hundreds of people lost their jobs, and the mine’s abandoned green towers stand as a constant reminder. 

By 2019, the number of active mining sites in the Waynesburg area fell from nine to four and its county’s population shrank by about 2,500 residents.  

By 2021, Waynesburg leaders were worrying about the town going broke.

“What’s causing the energy sector to want to leave Pennsylvania is overregulation,” said industry expert Mathew Thomas. “That’s people’s livelihoods that they’re impacting directly.”

It can now take U.S. energy producers at least a decade to obtain the required permits to build a new project. The natural gas and oil sectors that are not the only ones languishing. More than 95% of energy projects waiting for permits are related to solar, wind, and battery storage. 

Top-down rules stifle energy production — raising prices for consumers across the country — and make it too difficult for companies to build in Waynesburg. 

But Waynesburg is not alone. Pennsylvania’s Marianna Mine shut down in 1988. Denny Welsh, whose family has worked in the coal industry for generations, said his community turned into a ghost town almost overnight as businesses that supported the mine shuttered too. 

“[W]e were out of work,” explained Welsh. “This town was just devastated, almost immediately. There was no reason to come here anymore.”

A second chance? 

The Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP), a 300-mile natural gas pipeline, offered Waynesburg and communities like it in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Virginia a chance at revival.  

Townspeople had hope because when energy firms can build it fuels growth in other sectors. 

“The oil and gas community coming in here is like a lifeline,” said Waynesburg small business owner Shannon Taylor. “Whether you have someone that works in the industry or not, it still is going to affect you. It’s affecting you in taxes. It’s affecting your townships. That’s what a lot of people don’t understand is even if you don’t know someone personally that works in the coal mine or oil and gas, you know someone that sells the material to them, you know someone that’s feeding those workers.”

Lawsuits that delayed the pipeline’s development year-after-year crushed that hope. 

The delays were so long that even Congress got fed up. This past June, a bipartisan group of federal lawmakers approved a bill that said no more MVP lawsuits — the pipeline must be allowed to move forward.  

Just weeks later, however, a federal court stopped work again. The U.S. Supreme Court had to intervene to uphold Congress’s clear intentions. 

“This pipeline project has faced delay after delay because of onerous government policies including red tape and regulation, and endless environmental lawsuits that are standing in the way,” explained AFP Pennsylvania State Director Ashley Klingensmith.

The system is broken.

Reforms will revive towns Washington forgot 

Local, state, and federal lawmakers need to understand what people in towns like Waynesburg and Marianna have gone through. 

“Talk to the actual individuals that have the dirt under their nails,” said Taylor.  

Then translate that knowledge into reform. 

Read the rest at Americans for Prosperity, here.

Originally published by Americans for Prosperity. Republished with permission.

Americans for Prosperity is a premier grassroots policy organization.

To read more about government shutting down energy projects, click here.

To read more about the Mountain Valley pipeline, click here.

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