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Taxpayers Pay Millions of Dollars for Child Sex-Change Surgeries

Hand of doctor with two injection vials for treatment with Testosterone and Estrogen hormones. Doctor With bottles for Testosterone and Estrogen hormonal balance therapy

Massachusetts taxpayers reimbursed Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) $1.4 million for “gender transition services”—including physician’s services, inpatient and outpatient care, hospital services, surgical services, prescribed drugs, therapies, and so forth—to minors from January 2015 to May 2023, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller.

BCH is one of the top medical centers in the United States encouraging life-altering gender procedures for minors, according to The Daily Caller.

The Daily Caller report states, “The hospital, which boasts of having the first pediatric transgender surgery center in the country, has performed hundreds of gender surgeries on children since 2017 and has offered phalloplasties for 18-year-old boys and vaginoplasties for girls as young as 17, according to scrubbed pages of its website.”

Obamacare Is to Blame

Taxpayer dollars are now paying for dangerous, life-altering operations on minors due to the fine print of President Obama’s signature health care reform law, the Affordable Care Act (ACA), said Chris Moritz, a policy expert and documentarian, who was interviewed by Tucker Carlson in October.

The ACA, known as Obamacare, passed in March 2010 and resulted in 20,000 pages of rules and regulations.

In the interview, Moritz told Carlson insurance companies were mandated to provide coverage for what is deemed to be “medically necessary gender-affirming care,” and as a result, between 2010 and 2016, there was a 50 percent increase in sex reassignment surgeries and a 25 percent increase in insurance coverage for transgender individuals. Then, at the very end of the Obama administration, the ACA was amended so that gender identity could no longer be a basis for denial of coverage by private insurance companies.

Moritz concluded in his interview with Carlson that as a result of these provisions of the ACA, from 2016 to 2017 there was a 150 percent increase in sex reassignment surgeries in the United States.

School Districts as Parents

In addition to the new mandates afforded by the ACA, “peer contagion” has also been a catalyst in the skyrocketing rise in the number of minors undergoing gender modification surgeries, says Larry Sand, president of the California Teachers Empowerment Network.

“Now, why wouldn’t a teen want to be LGBT?” asks Sand. “These days, it’s cool! In reality, the leap in numbers is largely due to social contagion. It’s the ‘in’ thing, like owning a hula hoop, lava lamp, or mood ring. These things may have cost a few bucks at one time but would not potentially damage anyone’s life.”

“Many school districts have decided to take over the traditional role of parents, and this is a very important factor in the alienation of the young,” said Sand. “It’s happening all over the country.”

The Escondido Union School District in California is all too typical, says Sand. Under the current policy, “teachers must refer to students by their preferred pronouns or gender-specific names during school hours but revert to biological pronouns and legal names when speaking with parents.”

After a teacher learns of a child’s social transitioning, he or she is obliged to ensure that parents do not discover this, says Sand.

‘Permanently Scarred and Damaged’

No one should be funding this type of dangerous experimentation on healthy children, says Kallie Fell, a registered nurse and executive director of the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network.

“During production of each of our documentary films on the gender industry, we interview many detransitioners and medical experts who all echo the same message: once a person decides to medically transition, they are lifelong patients, no matter what,” said Fell.

“Can a minor really understand and consent to this medicalization and the lifelong consequences of these decisions?” asked Fell. “We would argue that they cannot. They cannot know as a child what they are doing to their healthy bodies and what kind of regret, especially reproductive regret, they might face in the future.”

“We hope taxpayers wake up and realize no one should be funding this type of dangerous experimentation on healthy children,” said Fell. “What these children really need is to be provided evidence-based counseling and therapy and an opportunity to grow up protected from the dangerous ideology of gender ‘medicine.’ No child is born in the wrong body and no child should have their perfectly healthy bodies permanently scarred and damaged in the name of ‘gender medicine.’”

‘Juries Very Likely to Be Sympathetic’

In addition to the rise in transgender surgeries being performed on minors, there is also a new trend of detransitioners bringing lawsuits, says Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation.

“Numerous physicians and health care centers are boasting about how many transgender surgeries they are performing on minors, but a small and growing number of people who were children when they received hormone treatment or surgery are now detransitioning and asserting that what they really needed was mental health care,” said Matthews.

“Their lives and their bodies have been changed forever, and they are seeking out law firms that will hold these doctors and health care facilities financially and professionally accountable for their actions,” said Matthews. “Juries hearing their horrific stories and seeing the lasting physical and mental scars are likely to conclude that doctors broke their very first vow, ‘to do no harm.’”

Florida is one state that has banned spending tax dollars on sex change procedures on any person, let alone minors. Last summer, after new laws were passed, the state fined five Medicaid providers, sanctioning one of them after an audit revealed Medicaid dollars funded such treatments.


Kenneth Artz ( writes from Tyler, Texas.






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