HomeBudget & Tax NewsDemocrats Set Up America for Economic Collapse

Democrats Set Up America for Economic Collapse

Last week, I recall Pelosi saying she would hold a vote on the $1.1 trillion, bipartisan infrastructure bill H.R. 3684 on Monday, Sept. 27.2021. On Sunday, September 26, 2021, during an appearance on ABC News, Pelosi revealed she had apparently changed her mind, changing the vote on the bill from Monday to sometime “this week.”
Later in the day on Sunday, Pelosi sent a letter to her fellow House Democrats stating that the vote will take place on Thursday, Sept. 30.

“Tomorrow, September 27, we will begin debate on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Framework on the Floor of the House and vote on it on Thursday, September 30, the day on which the surface transportation authorization expires,” Pelosi wrote.

“Pelosi’s dithering seems to suggest that she’s still struggling to secure the votes needed to pass the $1.1 trillion infrastructure bill — a bill that President Joe Biden’s administration desperately needs passed, as it would be seen as a victory in a long string of failures.”

“The problem is the Democrat’s far-left, progressive faction, which refuses to pass the “smaller” $1.1 trillion bill without a larger $3.5 trillion spending bill being passed in tandem. At the same time, moderate Democrats are reluctant to pass the larger bill.”

Pelosi reverses her vow

Speaker Nancy Pelosi is reversing a months-long vow to push through the two major planks of Democrats’ domestic agenda in tandem.

“Pelosi explained her thinking in a rare Monday night caucus session, saying she and President Joe Biden are continuing to push the Senate on negotiations related to the social spending package [President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending bill dubbed the “Build Back Better Act”], but the House must move ahead on infrastructure this week before surface transportation funding expires Thursday.”

Pelosi privately told members that the thinking began to change 10 days ago when she learned that Democrats would need to scale back the initial $3.5 trillion price tag for that spending bill — a massive legislative task.”

The infrastructure bill previously passed the Senate on August 10, 2021 by a 69-30 vote, could pave the way for an even larger bill codifying the Great Reset into the U.S. — the ” Build Back Better Act,” an obvious reference to a globalist United Nations program.

H.R. 3684

As The New American previously reported, only nine percent of H.R. 3684’s spending would go toward actual infrastructure. Furthermore, according to multiple projections, it will add up to $351 billion to the deficit without having any significant economic impact. As TNA also previously reported, the infrastructure-lacking “bipartisan” bill includes the following radical provisions:

  • mandates that states create carbon reduction programs, with the federal government choosing which plans to accept or reject;
  • creates a pilot program for a mileage tax, which tracks how many miles individuals drive, something that would infringe on Americans’ privacy, penalize drivers in low-density areas, and make driving too costly for some Americans;
  • requires car companies to equip all vehicles with “advanced alcohol monitoring systems“;
  • allows the federal government to bypass “Buy American” rules, promoting outsourcing to countries such as Communist China;
  • enables mass migration by funding border crossings and migrant “welcome centers” while including $0 for border wall construction;
  • defines “gender identity” as a protected class;
  • enacts racial quotas for broadband spending;
  • rewards states that support and facilitate illegal migration to the United States, also for broadband spending;
  • ends Amtrak’s policies/goals of creating a profit and seeking to minimize costs;
  • includes multiple radical climate change-provisions, including over $50 billion to protect against “climate change” and $21 billion for “environmental remediation.” Additionally, H.R. 3684 will “modernize” the power grid to accommodate “green” energy; and
  • among other provisions, the bipartisan bill includes $39 billion for public transportation, $15 billion altogether for electric transportation, $65 billion for broadband, a $30 billion cryptocurrency tax.
The 3.5 trillion spending bill

Regardless of whether H.R. 3684 passes, far-left Democrats are pushing for the extremist $3.5 trillion spending bill. They intend to pass it through the “reconciliation” process that only requires a simple majority to pass, thus bypassing the filibuster.

But even as Pelosi attempted to rally her caucus around the new plan, the senator who would be key to any deal showed no movement, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), over his opposition to Democrat’s $3.5 trillion reconciliation package.  Manchin stands as one deciding vote Democrats need to pass the budget plan. Manchin told reporters:  “There’s a lot in that bill, the $3.5 (trillion) reconciliation bill. Tax codes, climate change, social reforms, there’s a lot and people need to know what’s in it. It’s going to take a while.”

Although Pelosi suggested the bill would be scaled back to pass, Democrats are seeking to cram as many of their far-left policy goals as possible into this $3.5 trillion bill, which could actually cost up to $5.5 trillion.  These goals include:

Falling off the fiscal cliff into full blown socialism

And what about the cost of the 1.2  trillion infrastructure bill plus the 3.5 to 5.5 trillion spending package?

As evident when viewing both bill’s provisions, the two “infrastructure” bills would implement a wide range of socialist policies reminiscent of the Great Reset.  Environmentalists  recognize the plan’s  potential to implement their agenda.

From the site with the money and zeros:

* U.S. Tax revenue: $2,170,000,000,000
* Fed budget: $3,820,000,000,000
* New debt: $1,650,000,000,000
* National debt: $14,271,000,000,000
* Recent budget cuts: $38,500,000,000

Let’s now remove 8 zeros and pretend it’s a household budget:

* Annual family income: $21,700
* Money the family spent: $38,200
* New debt on the credit card: $16,500
* Outstanding credit card balance: $142,710
* Total budget cuts so far: $385.00

Need more be said?

According to Biden, or whichever handler runs his Twitter account, his $3.5 trillion spending package (Build Back Better Agenda) actually costs “zero dollars.”

How does it cost “zero dollars” you may ask? Because Biden just plans on robbing you, the American taxpayer, to pay for the package which in turn makes it “zero dollars.” Makes total sense!

Don’t delay.  Let you representative and senators know what you think.  Stop this reckless spending that will burden and adversely affect future generations of Americans.


Originally published by Freedom Pub. Republished with permission.

Nancy Thorner
Nancy Thorner
Nancy Thorner is a writer, cellist, and Tea Party activist based in suburban Chicago who writes regularly for Western Free Press, Illinois Review, and The Heartland Institute's Freedom Pub blog. Nancy is active in the following organizations: The Heartland Institute, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, Illinois Family Institute, Family-Pac, Republican Assembly of Lake County, and the Women's Republican Club of Lake Forest/Lake Bluff.


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