Younger Voters Support United Nations Authority (Poll)

younger voters support

Younger voters support giving the United Nations authority over the U.S. government to enforce Americans’ civil rights.

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (July 14, 2022) – A new poll by The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports found that while 80% of likely voters say they are “very proud” or “somewhat proud” to be an American, that pride wanes a bit among Democrats (70%), younger voters between the ages of 19 and 39 (70%), and self-identified liberals (64%).

Separately, when asked if they agree with the statement “America is the best country in the world,” 68% of Democrats, 62% of younger voters, and 55% of liberals “somewhat” or “strongly” agreed.

Yet, when asked if America and its institutions are “systemically racist,” strong majorities of Democrats (71%), younger voters (61%), and liberals (78%) agreed. And when asked if America and its institutions are “systemically sexist,” strong majorities of Democrats (75%), younger voters (59%), and liberals (80%) also agreed. Among female likely voters overall, 61% said America is “systemically sexist.”

The only segment of likely voters who favored “legislation that would give the United Nations authority over the U.S. government to protect the civil rights of American Citizens were (roughly speaking) Millennials. A majority (53%) of those between 19 and 39 either “strongly” or “somewhat” favored that position. Only 43% of Democrats, 42% of liberals, 22% of conservatives, and 21% of Republicans agreed.

The poll of 1,025 likely voters was conducted from July 6-7, 2022. Among those surveyed in the poll, 33% were Republicans, 35% were Democrats, and 32% were Independents; 48% were men, 52% were women; 67% were white, 13% were black, 13% were Hispanic, and 7% identified as “other.”

Overall, 80% of likely voters, no matter their political affiliation, are “very” or “somewhat” proud to be an American. On a similar note, 77% of likely voters “strongly” or “somewhat” agree with the statement that America is the best country in the world.

While 90% of Republicans and conservatives are “very” or “somewhat” proud to be an American, a solid 70% of Democrats and 61% of liberals are also “very” or “somewhat” proud to be an American. Similarly, 70% of likely voters aged 19 to 39-years-old are “very” or “somewhat” proud to be an American.

Democrats See America as Sexist

Although only 34% of Republicans and 30% of conservatives think America and most of its institutions are systemically sexist in favor of men, 75% of Democrats and 80% of liberals agree with this statement. Among Independent voters, less than half (48%) think America is inherently sexist.

Most women (61%) agree that America is sexist, whereas most men (52%) disagree with this statement. Among young voters, 59% think America’s institutions are fundamentally sexist. Yet, less than half (45%) of voters over the age of 65 agree with this statement.

Democrats See America as Racist

The poll found that 48% of all likely voters “somewhat” or “strongly” believe United States and most of its institutions are systematically racist. Meanwhile, 71% of Democrats and 78% of liberals believe this to be true. On the other hand, just 23% of Republicans and 24% of conservatives agree that the United States is an inherently racist country. When it comes to Independent voters, 47% think America and most of its institutions are rooted in racism.

Most young voters (61%) tend to agree that the United States and most of its institutions are racist. On the contrary, only 36% of voters over the age of 65 and 43% of voters aged 40 to 64-years-old agree that America is awash in racism.

When broken down by race, 70% of black voters, 59% of Hispanic voters, and 41% of white voters “somewhat” or ‘strongly” agree that America and most of its institutions are systemically racist.

Young Voters Want United Nations, Not U.S. Government, to Protect American Citizens’ Civil Rights

Since the United States was founded in 1789, it has retained total sovereignty over the protection of American citizens’ civil rights. However, most young voters (53%) believe the U.S. government should surrender its sovereignty over the protection of American citizens’ civil rights to the United Nations. On the other end of the spectrum, just 7% of likely voters over the age of 65 would support such a law. And, 68% of voters aged 40 to 64-years-old “strongly” or “somewhat” oppose any law that would relinquish the U.S. government’s authority to protect the civil rights of American citizens to the United Nations.

Moreover, only 30% of likely voters “strongly” or “somewhat” favor legislation that would give the United Nations authority over the U.S. government to protect the civil rights of American citizens. The vast majority of Republicans (74%) and conservatives (73%) “strongly” or “somewhat” oppose a law that would grant the United Nations the power to protect the civil rights of American citizens.

See the poll questions and the cross tabs here [an Excel document]. For more  Budget & Tax News.


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