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Moore: American Tech Sector Keeps Blowing Away the Rest of the World

Take a bow, America. It's official and irrefutable: The U.S. is blowing out the rest of the world in tech leadership. No other country...

The Media Produces Derangement: Proof from New York Times Readers

This past weekend, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd added another column to the myriad irrational and hysterical pieces about the "existential threat" climate...

Prager: Be Safe: Don’t Visit Your Dying Parent. Don’t Leave Your House. Don’t Get...

As many observers have noted, staying safe has become a religion. "Safetyism," as it is sometimes called, like all religions, places what it values—in...
California vehicles

Stossel: Governments’ Roundabout Ways Curb Productivity

By John Stossel I hate waiting at traffic lights. There's a solution: traffic circles, or roundabouts. Traffic circles terrified me when I first confronted them in Europe....

The Everything Bubble and What it Means for Your Money

By Colin Lloyd In the aftermath of the Black Plague which swept across Europe between 1347 and 1353, wiping out between 30 and 60% of...
black lives matter flag at a protest

Black Americans Need Better Health Care, Not More Race Theories – Commentary

As the nation honors Martin Luther King each year, it is helpful to remember that this civil rights leader was not only a thinker...
business man with his head buried in the sand, ignorance

Commentary: A Pandemic of Ignorance

By Robert E. Wright America’s biggest problem is ignorance of proven precepts of political economy. I don’t mean fancy econometric techniques or models full of...

Black Americans Need Better Health Care, Not More Race Theories – Commentary

Given the severity of the COVID illness in black Americans, one gets the feeling that withholding treatment is a familiar tune. In the disgraceful 40-year Tuskegee experiment, treatment was withheld from black men so scientists could learn the natural history of the disease.

D.C. Wants to Give Preteens Vaccines Without Parent

Children in Washington, D.C. as young as 11 may no longer need to get their parent’s consent for a vaccine, including the vaccination against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV).
opinion U.S. Constitution

Election 2020: All-In Leftism Must Become Extinct—Or We Will

The Left has finally, once and for all, pulled out all the stops.  Gone is the relatively patient incrementalism that has served them so well the last half-century-plus. Like Queen’s Freddie Mercury, they want it all, and they want it now. Pack the Supreme Court? Of course. Add Leftist states to pack the Congress? Of course. End the Electoral College? Of course. End the Senate filibuster? Of course. End all real energy production? Of course. Destroy us with environmental radicalism? Of course. Jam us with trillions of dollars in additional taxes? Of course. And if they don’t win? The most costly manmade damage in history will be made to look like a parking violation: Cities Across U.S. Boarding Up in Anticipation of Election Night Riots. Left’s Point Person for Post-Election Violence Prep Linked to Arabella Advisors: “The point person for the Fight Back Table, a coalition of liberal organizations planning for a ‘post-Election Day political apocalypse scenario,’ leads a progressive coalition that is part of a massive liberal dark money network.

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Obamacare Premiums Rise Again, No End in Sight

Some 324 Obamacare insurers across the 50 states and the District of Columbia are proposing a median premium increase of seven percent for 2024,...

Dozens of tenured profs could lose their jobs under Florida review if they don’t...

As part of a 2022 initiative to improve higher education in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation for the review of all tenured professors...

Border Patrol officials: Violent criminals being released into US aren’t being vetted

(The Center Square) – Border Patrol officials say foreign nationals who illegally cross the border aren’t being vetted prior to being released into the U.S. At...