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Geothermal Energy is Effective, But Limited
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Geothermal plants produce 0.4 percent of the utility-scale electricity in the United States.
The United States also produces the most electricity from...
Michigan’s Renewable Energy Report Card
Dr. Michael E. Heberling
Michigan is making big wagers while playing a very weak hand in the renewable energy game. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last year...
Can Wind & Solar Energy Expand 50-100 Times?
By Edward Ring
In the most recent “Conference of the Parties,” otherwise known as the United Nations extravaganza that convenes every few years for world...
Geothermal is Clean and Uses Less Land Than Other Renewables
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Geothermal energy is generated by drilling wells into high-temperature water or “hot rock” reservoirs and using the hot water or steam to...
VA Governor Announces Energy Innovation Technology Lab
By Tyler Arnold
Energy DELTA Lab will build a technology testbed in southwest Virginia to provide laboratories and scientific assistance that will primarily work on...
Examining California’s Renewable Energy Plan
California's green energy plans are misanthropic, harming the poor, contributing to business closures and emigration from the state.
Clean Energy Mandate Proving Difficult for Hawai’i
Hawai’i’s efforts to meet the Hawai’i Clean Energy Initiative’s goal of 70 percent carbon dioxide emission free energy by 2030, and 100 percent by 2045 is running into numerous difficulties.
To Make America Great, We Need Federal Permitting Reform
By Heather Reams
To make America great, we must make it in America; and when it comes to energy production, no country does it better...
CLEAN Future Act Seeks to Classify Water Used in Oil and Gas Production as...
Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) introduced the Climate Leadership and Environmental Action for our Nation’s Future Act in March. The bill contains a provision that could make most oil and gas wells too expensive to operate, forcing them to close.
Hawai’ians Are Turning on Offshore Wind
Despite a state mandate requiring 100 percent of Hawai’i’s electricity come from renewables by 2045, many Hawai’ian environmental activists are fighting proposed onshore and offshore industrial wind projects.