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Goodman: What Difference Did The Election Make?

What difference, if any, did the 2022 election make, when neither Democrats nor Republicans proposed solutions, John C. Goodman asks. The polls told us that...
Close up of multiple I Voted stickers on blue shirt - Concept of US election voter fraud by placing multiple voting stickers.

Goodman: Is Democracy Under Siege?

Over the past two decades the American public has become increasingly polarized. So much so, that it’s hard to bring up a public policy...

The Heartland Institute Welcomes the Goodman Institute as Health Care News Co-Publisher

The partnership comes at a time when health care policy dominates the headlines nearly every day, with the COVID-19 pandemic and a general election in November many view as a referendum on sharply different approaches to the problems in the nation’s health care system.

Partners in Freedom: The Goodman Institute Shows How to Fix Health Care without More...

If there is a way to fix the nation’s broken health care system without raising taxes or mandating coverage, chances are The Goodman Institute for Public Policy Research and its founder, John C. Goodman, have figured it out.

How to Win on Health Care Messaging – Commentary

In almost all recent polling, voters say health care is their number one concern. Voters also trust Democrats more than Republicans on the issue. But why? Obamacare is the most...

The Latest Surprise Charge on Medical Bills—Facility Fees – Commentary

“Surprise, surprise, surprise!”—as Gomer Pyle was fond of saying. There’s yet another surprise medical bill scam that most patients probably do not know about. It...

How to Spend Billions of Dollars and Get Nothing in Return – Interview

Priceless - Curing the Healthcare Crisis (Updated Second Edition), by John C. Goodman, Independent Institute, 392 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1-59-813395-0, $28.95, amazon.com (Hardcover)   John C....

Georgia Medicaid Work Program Stays Afloat, One Year Out

Georgia is the only state that requires some able-bodied adults to work to qualify for Medicaid, in a program that has reached its one-year...

Family Estrangement Therapy Is a New Treatment Trend

A mental health crisis in adolescents and young adults that has been growing since the COVID-19 pandemic is leading to estrangement from family members...

Project 2025 Faces Backlash

The national Democratic Party and the media have focused their attention on a conservative plan for America’s future developed by the Heritage Foundation. Project 2025...

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Hospitals Push Invasive Birth Control on Black Patients, TIME Reports

Physicians in Alabama are pushing intrauterine devices and arm implants for birth control on patients who are black, Latina, or low-income, TIME magazine reports. An article...

Bloomberg’s ‘Free Medical School’ Renews Debate on Causes of Doctor Shortage

Billionaire businessman Michael Bloomberg’s $1 billion gift to Johns Hopkins Medical School in July has brought renewed attention to the doctor shortage in the...

Family Pleads with Hospital to Save Football Player, Blames Organ Harvesting

The family of a college football player claims a North Carolina hospital let him die in order to harvest his organs. Terrance Howard, aged 19,...