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U.S. oil and gas industry: 10 actions to reduce high energy prices that won’t...
By Bethany Blankley
Rather than impose higher taxes and more restrictions on domestic production of oil and natural gas, as Senate Democrats voted to do...
How Clean Energy Actually Destroys The Environment And Fuels Abuse
By Micaela Burrow
The global drive to replace fossil fuels with climate-friendly energy alternatives has powered demand for rare earth minerals used in electric vehicle...
Commentary: Green Fascists Are Destroying the World
The green agenda needs to become the topic of open, honest, balanced, and very public debate, because it is causing environmental harm and setting back the cause of human rights.
Coal Plants Are Being Kept Online to Prevent Blackouts As Green Transition Falters
Coal plants in four states are keeping their plants online in order to prevent blackouts as green energy is creating problems for states’ electrical grids amid rising summer demand.
‘What The Green New Deal Looks Like’: Tucker Hammers AOC Over Sri Lanka Collapse
Based on what is happening in Sri Lanka, the likely outcome of “Green New Deal” policies if imposed in the United States are energy shortages, food shortages and riots in the street.
Moore: How Angela Merkel’s Green Agenda Caused the Economic Collapse of Germany
Remember how the world, especially the American media, fawned over former German Chancellor Angela Merkel?
The adoration was so over the top that in 2015...
Alex Epstein’s New Book “Fossil Future”: Flipping the Energy Debate Script to Pro-Human
Author Alex Epstein makes his case completely and thoroughly, and his passion for the topic and the power of his solutions shine through.
WE Energies, Alliant Energy Reverse Green Course, Will Keep Coal Plants Open
Concerned about cost and reliability of electricity in Wisconsin, WE Energies and Alliant Energy have reversed course and will keep existing coal plants open
As Gasoline Prices Soar to Record Highs, Biden Said the Quiet Part Out Loud...
President Joe Biden's energy policies are responsible for record high gas prices in pursuit of his grand energy transition.
New Study: Vulnerable Bird Species Harmed by Wind and Solar Energy
A new study shows wind turbine and solar farms in California are making life significantly worse for "vulnerable" bird species.