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California Takes COVID 'misinformation' to a new level

California to Penalize Doctors for Alleged COVID-19 Misinformation

Boards can discipline doctors in a variety of ways ranging from suspension, mandatory retraining, and revocation of a license.

Private Medicine Trumps Private Equity

 Sadly, we are on the road to losing private practice, the heart of good medicine. 
Walensky wants CDC overhaul

CDC’s Walensky Calls for Agency Overhaul

Walensky wants the CDC to be more action-driven and less focused on providing data for publication. But its biggest problems are setting policies without first collecting evidence of their benefits and risks, and exceeding its statutory authority
Sex 'Assigned' at Birth

Cleveland Clinic Describes Sex as ‘Assigned’ at Birth

The prestigious Cleveland Clinic has begun using the terminology “assigned female at birth (AFAB)” and “assigned male at birth (AMAB)” to describe cancer screenings recommended for men and women.
Pregnancy Aid Center HELP

Growing Role for Pregnancy Aid Centers

The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) decision returning abortion jurisdiction to the states is bringing renewed attention to groups that provide medical, material, and emotional support to pregnant women.

‘Pregnant People’ Gaining Currency Over ‘Pregnant Women’

The movement to disconnect pregnancy from the female gender has also moved into the medical realm.  The movement to disconnect pregnancy from the female gender has also moved into the medical realm.  AAMC, the organization behind the MCAT and medical schools released a poll on May 16 which embraces the new terminology. The movement to disconnect pregnancy from the female gender has also moved into the medical realm. AAMC, the organization behind the MCAT and medical schools released a poll on May 16 which embraces the new terminology.

Oregon Officials Agree to Physician-Assisted Suicide for Non-Residents

“The state just went into negotiations. That’s going against what the people voted on in 1994 and 1997. The people of Oregon were voting on a law that would only apply to the state of Oregon.”

As California Goes, Let’s Hope the Nation Doesn’t Follow

"They—whoever they are—say “as California goes, so goes the nation.” Let’s hope not. The California state legislature has put forth some bills that boggle the mind and seek to change family, physicians, and their relationship to the government forever."
Fauci under fire for royalty payments

Fauci Hints at Retirement While Legacy on the Hotseat

 “Given his fall from grace, it appears he is throwing out a trial balloon to see whether he will be begged to stay."

CDC Pushes Back Milestones for Childhood Development

The milestones were previously based on the developmental progress that 50 percent of children could achieve. In February, the CDC updated the milestones to reflect the capabilities of 75 percent of children.

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How Government Can Improve Health: Stop Penalizing Marriage – Commentary

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