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COVID 19 vaccine mandates for children in school.

California’s Newsom Requires Students to be Vaccinated

California has some of the nation’s strictest vaccine requirements in the nation. It is one of only a handful of states that does not allow parents the option of keeping their children from being inoculated for religious reasons or “personal beliefs, ” and keeps tabs on physicians who write medical exemptions.

Biden Administration Threatens Federal Funding to Push Vaccine Compliance

“If [the] government can force or manipulate you--with money taken from you via taxes-- to getting the medical treatment you would otherwise refuse, what can't the government compel you to do?”

AMA’s Woke Platform Drives Effort to Form Alternative Group

“Seldom have I read a more destructive, divisive, and inflammatory document by a professional organization, and I have never been more ashamed of being associated with the American Medical Association at any time in my career.”

Elite Class Weaponized COVID-19 to Transform America – Analysis

“The U.S. political elite and the assorted rich and powerful have one overarching goal: to maintain and accumulate more power at all cost.”

Biden Punts on Nursing Home Death Investigation

“The DOJ decision looks to this unbiased observer like a purely political decision by the current administration to protect prominent members of its own party."
rising food prices

Retraction, New Mask Guidelines Raise Questions about Vaccines

The CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci, President Biden’s chief medical advisor on COVID-19, flipped flopped on the need for masks several times. The push for vaccines, however, has been consistent.

There’s More to Death than COVID-19 – Commentary

It appears we are guinea pigs in a grand experiment. The elderly were the casualties of Phase I.
COVID-19 pandemic national emergency declaration

CDC Data Shows COVID-19 was Pandemic for the Elderly

Data published recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conclusively shows that COVID-19 primarily infected and caused the deaths of elderly...

Children, Teens Paid Psychological Price for School Closures

“The disruption of children’s education and socialization will haunt us for years to come in terms of earning potential and mental health.”
Closed businesses for COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, closure sign on retail store window banner background. Government shutdown of restaurants, shopping stores, non essential services.

CDC Data Shows COVID-19 Was Pandemic for the Elderly

The virus took the biggest toll on people over the age of 75 with at least 635.8 deaths per 100,000. Those under the age of 14, school children who were unable to attend school for most of 2020, suffered the least, with 0.2 deaths per 100,000.

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Employer Vaccination Mandates Under Scrutiny Post COVID-19

From presidential candidate Donald Trump’s promise to reinstate military members who were fired for not getting COVID-19 shots to a federal court decision favoring employee...

How Government Can Improve Health: Stop Penalizing Marriage – Commentary

There are more than 61 million married couples in the United States. That is 122 million people, not including their children. A new study by...

Public Lost Trust in Doctors after COVID-19: Survey

Trust in doctors and hospitals decreased significantly following COVID-19, a new study has found. Trust in doctors and hospitals dropped by about 31 percentage points...