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States Order Tots to Mask Up

Children under 4 years have small airways and wearing a mask may lead to higher airway resistance making it harder to breathe, particularly in the summer heat.

CDC Director Blames ‘Young People’ for Virus Spread

”I understand that people are tired and that they are ready for this pandemic to be over, as am I. Please continue to do the things that we know prevent the spread of the virus.”
Chef in safety mask hanging up sign closed on restaurant door.

CDC Finds Masks, Indoor Dining Bans Don’t Stop Virus, Media Ignores

Any impact was less than one percent. In the case of restaurant bans, there was an increase in cases and death rates.
black lives matter flag at a protest

Black Americans Need Better Health Care, Not More Race Theories – Commentary

As the nation honors Martin Luther King each year, it is helpful to remember that this civil rights leader was not only a thinker...

Biden Empowers Fauci

Fauci’s contradictory statements led to his falling out of favor with the Trump White House. 

Patient Takes Hospital to Court for Life-Saving COVID-19 Treatment

“Medicine’s worst nightmare began with hospitals or health care systems controlling physician decision-making.”

Black Americans Need Better Health Care, Not More Race Theories – Commentary

Given the severity of the COVID illness in black Americans, one gets the feeling that withholding treatment is a familiar tune. In the disgraceful 40-year Tuskegee experiment, treatment was withheld from black men so scientists could learn the natural history of the disease.

Fewer People Seeking Non-Covid Hospital Care During Pandemic

"Lockdowns and social distancing are not normal human behavior, and at some point, they take their toll.”

Biden Delays Fauci’s Retirement

"I have worked for the Department of Health and Human Services for decades and decades. I want to continue my messaging within the context of my position."

Large Randomized Trial Shows Masks Offer Little Protection Against Virus

The study by Danish researchers published on November 18 in Annals of Internal Medicine randomly assigned 3,030 to wear masks outside the home for a two-month period in Denmark, April, and May. Infection occurred in 42 participants in the mask group (1.8 percent)  and 53 (2.1 percent) in the group that did not wear masks.

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Employer Vaccination Mandates Under Scrutiny Post COVID-19

From presidential candidate Donald Trump’s promise to reinstate military members who were fired for not getting COVID-19 shots to a federal court decision favoring employee...

How Government Can Improve Health: Stop Penalizing Marriage – Commentary

There are more than 61 million married couples in the United States. That is 122 million people, not including their children. A new study by...

Public Lost Trust in Doctors after COVID-19: Survey

Trust in doctors and hospitals decreased significantly following COVID-19, a new study has found. Trust in doctors and hospitals dropped by about 31 percentage points...