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Climate Change Weekly #448: Proposed Virginia Wind Facility Threatens Endangered Whales
North Atlantic Right Whales (NARW) are majestic giants of the seas. There are only approximately 300 NARWs alive today.
Commentary: Threat to Endangered Whales Gets LOUDER
The sound that will be produced during the construction of Virginia's offshore wind farm threatens endangered Right whales.
Virginia’s Offshore Wind Proposal Threatens Endangered Whales
The massive offshore wind project proposed off the coast of Virginia poses a threat to the endangered North Atlantic Right Whale population.
Despite Growing Numbers, the Biden Administration Seeks Endangered Listing for Lesser Prairie Chicken
Despite having a working voluntary conservation plan in place, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), under President Joe Biden, has proposed adding the lesser prairie chicken to endangered species list.
Federal Government Approves Killing Protected Sea Lions to Save Endangered Salmon
A federal task force granted state fish and game agencies in Idaho, Oregon, and Washington state the authority to kill hundreds of sea lions to save the struggling steelhead and salmon populations from extinction.
Alabama Landowner Sues U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Over Property Restrictions for Non-Existent Snake
An property owner in Alabama is fighting the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over endangered species restrictions placed in his land for to protect a snake that doesn't exist there.
Utah Sues Federal Government Over Federally Held Land
The state of Utah has filed suit in the United States Supreme Court against the federal government over the millions of acres the government holds and has made inaccessible to the people of Utah.
Appeals Court Rules Physicians Can Assert Their First Amendment Rights
A federal appeals court ruled physicians have standing to sue specialty boards that threaten their constitutionally protected speech, in one of several cases alleging...
Washington State Fish & Wildlife Commission Missed a Layup in Gray Wolf Downlisting Hearing
The Washington State Fish & Wildlife Commission ignored the cries of “wolf!” from state agency and tribal scientists, livestock raisers, and others when they voted not to downlist or delist the gray wolf in Washington state.
Stephen Moore: Saving Cows From the Environmentalists
Enjoy your cheeseburgers and steaks when you fire up the grill this Fourth of July weekend, because they may not be available much longer.