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Biden’s Actions Are Encouraging Supply Chain Dependencies on Foreign Suppliers
Despite President Joe Biden’s February 24th vocal concerns about America’s growing dependence on unreliable foreign sources for the supply chain of materials and products to support electric cars, pharmaceuticals, hospital supplies to address the COVID-19 pandemic, and military hardware, his actions are directly opposite of his vocal concerns, as they are encouraging national security concerns.
Environment and Energy Justice Police Will Track Your Carbon Footprints
President Joe Biden's energy proposals and cabinet picks promise to lead us down the road to persistent California like energy shortages, and prosecutions for "climate crimes."
Nothing Says ‘America Is Back’ Like Taking Someone’s Job Away
"It's a loss of over 700 jobs for employees and subcontractors to us," said pipeline contractor Marty Jorgensen. "Basically, a thousand jobs per spread...
California’s Energy Scorecard Fails on the World Stage
California's dysfunctional energy policies make it the leader in dependence on outside energy sources within the United States, importing more electricity than any other state – currently at 32 percent from states in the Northwest and Southwest.
What Trumponomics 1.0 Was, and What 2.0 Could Be
Trumpnomics has its own, unique mix of economic values. Economist and Heartland Institute Policy Advisor Darren Brady Nelson breaks down how this has worked for the United States.