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Socialism and Economic Education
Opinion polls consistently find that young Americans view socialism favorably. For example, in a recent Gallup poll, 49 percent of millennials and Gen Z’ers...
Wind Turbines Generate Mountains of Waste
Wind energy imposes high economic and environmental costs upon society that no one wants to talk about.
Pennsylvania Lawmakers Resist Governor’s Executive Actions on Climate Change
Pennsylvania's state Senate passed legislation to prohibit Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat, from joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative and imposing carbon taxes without the approval of the Pennsylvania General Assembly.
The Racism of Climate Change Alarmists
Climate alarmists are hypocritically proclaiming climate change is racist. Under this theory, the sun, our galaxy, and their creator are racist, since they have driven climate change throughout history.
President Trump Proposes Reducing and Refocusing Environment and Energy Spending
The Trump Administration recently submitted its proposed fiscal year 2021 budget, which would significantly cut funding for certain climate change-focused programs at several government agencies.
Coal Stays Online in New England
The largest remaining coal-fueled power plant in New England, New Hampshire’s 482-megawatt Merrimack Station, will remain in operation through at least May 2024.
Tri-State Generation Announces Coal Closures, Renewable Construction in Colorado and New Mexico
A co-op wholesale power supplier in Colorado and New Mexico announced a major shift from coal-fueled power plants to wind and solar industrial facilities in its electric power generation operations.